Friday, May 4, 2012

Please Love Me Anyway

I have a confession. I really don't have it all together. I'm sure that shocks close friends and especially my family. :)

Right now I have 287 unread emails. Hopefully nothing is important. I just can't bring myself to scroll and delete. It takes too much brain power to decide do I want to read this or do I just check the box and erase sight unseen. So they just keep adding up. You probably shouldn't correspond to me that way if you need a response sooner than a month out.

Then there is the phone. I can not always bring myself to answer it. I hear it ring but my talking energy is just not there. My voice mail should say, "Please hang up and text." Know that I am not ignoring you (well....not usually). Besides I don't think I can have an uninterrupted conversation. They usually go something like this: "Hello? Oh, hi, Susie. I'm so happy you called.......Faith, where did you find that marker?.......So, how are you? I haven't heard from you since..........Corbin, get down from there, you're going to break your neck.............Anyway, I'm glad that have some free time to...............Girls, no piano, I'm on the phone............So, I hear that you have been...........Austin, turn your music down and turn the station while you're at it..........No, it's okay, I can talk, I'm not busy.................Emmaly, take your scissors away from Faith and please find her clothes she took off..........Listen, Susie, maybe it would be better if I called  you at another time....." And then sometimes I don't call back. I'm sorry. Please don't unfriend me.

Let's not even talk about thank you notes. I am so incompetent. I am very appreciative but lack the ability to write it out. Even worse are the thank you notes I do write out but never make it to the mailbox. After awhile it's past the proper thank-you note time etiquette. I should send sorry notes. "I'm sorry that I did not send you your much deserved thank you card. Please forgive me."

I am also the most indecisive person you will meet. Sometimes it is because I really don't care. Paper or plastic? Whatever. Surprise me. I know this drives some friends and family absolutely crazy. That is not my intention (though it may amuse me a bit). I hate being the one who breaks the tie of where to go eat or decide which shoe looks better. If I say I don't know or don't care, I'm telling the truth. A real conversation with my husband on going out:
Him: "Where do you want to go?"
Me: "I don't care. Where do you want to go?"
Him: "You pick.What are you hungry for?"
Me: "I don't know. Anything sounds good."
This will irritate him enough to cancel our good time. True story.

You will not find live plants in my house. I can not keep them green. I'm neglectful. I don't even realize it until the oxygen giving decor is brown and crispy and past the point of revival. Then I mourn a stupid plant that I didn't like to begin with.

And my house cleaning skills....ugh. Come over unannounced and you will see what I mean. Actually, come over announced and you still might see what I'm talking about. Family must think baskets of clean, unfolded clothes are a part of our dining room ensemble.

We have lived here 6 years and I am still looking at the wallpaper and borders that I hate. I may even have a box or two unpacked. My bathroom window covering is the Amish curtains that came with the house.

So, you ask what I do all day? Uh...I don't know. Something, I'm sure, but my memory is lacking right now too.

I think there really is a perfectionist inside me keeping me from accomplishing EVERYTHING  tasks that I know need done. She whispers words like "Don't even start a job that you can't finish to perfection." And I'm also pretty sure the procrastinator in me has a black belt in karate. She is the rule maker and breaker. Oh and also, she's lots of fun.

So, you couple people (you know who you are), who think I must have it all together because I have six kids and am not crazy (truly a matter of opinion), come hang out here or interview my children. Your mind will be changed.....but please love me anyway!

P.S. Doesn't this make a great job resume?


Mom said...

I absolutly love this. Such honesty about ones self is sooooo refreshing. And yes I STILL LOVE YOU! (Even when you don't answer your phone.)

jodyfoznot said...

"Paper or plastic?" "Whatever. Surprise me."

Hahahaha! Funny stuff!

I love you just the way you are. Even when you don't answer the phone. And I love talking to you while you simultaneously parent. Then I don't feel bad having multiple conversations when I'm on the phone with you, too.

Having it all together is way overrated. And a lie. No one has it all together.

When I am weak, then He is strong. My life motto.

Love you,
(who currently has 1,102 unanswered emails)

Summer said...

That photo of you and Court made me laugh! Also that conversation about where to eat happens here all the time (although mine leaves me at home and goes and gets take out). This explains why you dont answer your phone for me but i get a text back, haha! I always wondered. I like you.

Summer said...

That photo of you and Court made me laugh! Also that conversation about where to eat happens here all the time (although mine leaves me at home and goes and gets take out). This explains why you dont answer your phone for me but i get a text back, haha! I always wondered. I like you.

kath said...

Enjoy this season! All too soon the house will be quiet and neat and boring. And you will get use to the quiet and neatness, but never the boring. So, you will call or maybe text one of your kiddos or a friend or talk Court's ear off when he comes home and he will politely or maybe not so politely say, "uh, huh", and you will sigh and go back to your crocheting or mending or book or blog or whatever......

Mbitt said...

HAHAHAAA!! That so sounds like my life! I'm so glad you shared this Jamie! The kids have gotten SO big! WOW! How grown up they all look.